The Bielefeld Golf Club (GC), like other golf course operators, faced the challenge of not only managing its club-owned cart fleet efficiently but also making it profitable. The club's primary goal has always been to provide members and guests with the best and most innovative golfing experience, including the use of golf carts.
Currently, the Bielefeld GC has a fleet of eight carts. In the past, the carts were well-utilized during office hours, but renting them always came with administrative tasks: handing out keys, maintaining booking calendars, etc. Moreover, no revenue could be generated from cart rentals outside office hours. In an era of staff shortages, it is essential to find innovative solutions that ease the workload for employees.
After a discussion between the club and Leif Erik Stüdemann from Cart Care, it became clear that there was room for improvement. A keyless cart rental system using the PC CADDIE App and the IOTee software solution emerged as the best solution for the club, its members, and guests. From May onward, the club's golf carts can now be rented keylessly via the PC CADDIE App. Prior to this, the carts were equipped with the GPS-based IOTee software solution by Cart Care Company GmbH. Thanks to the interface with the PC CADDIE App, guests in Bielefeld can now conveniently reserve, pay for, and even start their cart via the app, as the system operates without the need for physical keys.
Another advantage of IOTee is the ability to implement strategic pricing for cart rentals. For example, lower rates can be set for off-peak times to optimize utilization
Philip Bovensiepen, Vizepräsident des Bielefelder Golfclubs, fasst zusammen:
„Der Einbau von IOTee bei den Carts verlief schnell und problemlos. Die Umstellung wurde von unseren Mitgliedern und Gästen gut angenommen. Dank unseres Videos gibt es auch so gut wie keine Fragen zur Nutzung via App. Die Vermietung der Fahrzeuge konnte innerhalb der kurzen Zeit schon gesteigert werden. Wir sind sehr zufrieden mit dieser Neuerung und freuen uns, dass das Angebot so gut angenommen wird.“
Wir wünschen dem BGC weiterhin viel Erfolg und freuen uns über dieses gelungene Beispiel aus der Praxis.
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